Imagine waking up in a mysterious location alone with only an experimental machine that can simulate memories. A computer voice over a loudspeaker is your only guide, but you don’t know if it has your best interests in mind. As you activate the machine you find yourself reliving memories in handful of locations, but then things begin to get weird. Asemblance is apparently the first episode in an upcoming science fiction game series, and it serves as a quick taste of what’s to time. I emphasize the term quick, as Asemblance can be beaten easily in thirty minutes. Multiple endings add to the narrative, but no matter how you slice it, the game is short. Keep reading to see if this memory is worth reliving or better off forgotten.

Playing from a first-person perspective, Asemblance is the epitome of a walking simulator. There is no combat and no jumping; the only actions the player performs are: zooming in, interacting with specific objects and running. Most of the game is spent listening, observing and just being part of the experience. By the time you reach one of the endings, you will likely feel confused and unsure what exactly happened. I don’t have any complaints about how Asemblance plays, it works fine, but the gameplay is incredibly shallow. However, the game is an absolute must buy for achievement hunters; it contains 10 total achievements that can easily be earned in under an hour.


One of the high points of Asemblance is the graphics, they are quite appealing with a realistic style. The voice acting of the AI voice is performed nicely as well. There are only a few locations from a grassy knoll area, your apartment and your office. There isn’t much to interact with, as prompts only appear in front of a select few objects. I had no issues with the loading times and there and enjoyed some of the more thrilling sections of the game.

Final Take:

Asemblance is one of those games that I couldn’t really connect with. The game is fundamentally fine, but the lack of direction and real relationship with the main character made me just not care. There are some nice graphical moments and I really enjoyed earning quick gamerscore. Thankfully, the low price of $7.99 makes Asemblance’s length a bit easier to stomach. If you don’t care about gamerscore, I would recommend waiting for a future episode in this series to decide whether it’s worth your (brief) time.


Rating: 6/10


Written by: Jordan650

Gamertag: Jordan650



+Realistic art style looks good

+ Quick 1000 gamerscore



-Lacks substance

-I felt no connection to the characters

-It ends before you can really start to enjoy it


Ethics Statement:

The reviewer spent approximately 2 hours reliving bad memories. Earning 10/10 achievements for 1000 gamerscore.


A code was provided by the publisher for the purpose of this review


You can purchase Asemblance on the Xbox Store here


Release Date: Monday, January 29, 2018

Price: $7.99

Download size: 2.23 GB


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